Posted in blog, jazmyn does disney

Cute Matching Sweaters

So if you’re not my friend on Facebook or haven’t heard me screeching about it for the past week, I’m telling you now that I finally went to Disneyland!


I can tell why people like traveling and going on vacation so much! I was walking on air for the entire week that I was gone, and it felt absolutely amazing. I got to go with friends that I’ve known for a while and even though we started off the trip back in December just a tad odd (i.e. me doing something that I didn’t want to do and then finally letting out what I was frustrated about.)

We got past that, and it got better from there.

On the very first day, we were all working on very little sleep so we basically got through solely on adrenaline. And then what do I realize? My leg from the knee down is completely swollen! Did I mention I did a 5K the night before and worked as well? So my body was basically just hating me for putting it through all of that.

We got a tip from a friend to go to the Observatory. I get to overlook California and see the beautiful sites? Of course. Sign me up!

What that person failed to mention was that you either drive uphill to the Observatory or you get out and walk!

I thought I was going to die walking up that hill, which further proves how out of shape I am. But, the view was great and the pride of being able to tell people that I did it was the great accomplishment!

This is possibly highlighted by the fact that since we drove all the way up there, we were getting up there if I had to ride on someone piggyback!

After we finished that, we even visited the Walk of Fame, which was a journey in and of itself because parking SUCKS.

But, enough about that.

The trip was AMAZING. And I think it had a lot to do with the people that went.

Also, I spent way too much money. No one tells you that when you go on vacation, you are broke by the time that you come back. I used the excuse “Who knows when I’m going to be back here?” as an excuse to buy so many sweet things that I’m surprised my teeth didn’t fall out on the trip, any shirt or hoodie that said ‘Disneyland’, and so much food that it’s a miracle I didn’t gain 20 pounds on that trip.

As if I didn’t understand before, I can see why people enjoy going on vacations so much. I didn’t want to leave, and I certainly didn’t want to come back to work.

There was even one instance where I was texting while walking (it’s a dangerous life I lead, kids), and I ran CLEAN into a trashcan and almost dislocated my kneecap. So what do I do? Immediately started laughing and pretending like running into trashcans is how I stay happy in life.

No one can know that I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed in my entire life. (And that’s coming from someone who spit Coke out on her 4th grade teacher because someone burped in class and was immediately sent to the principal’s office and then deemed “Spit Girl” from that point on.)

And I think my life was made when I got to meet Black Panther, and he didn’t judge me when I just wanted to shout “Wakanda Forever” really loudly. I also met two members of the Dora Milaje, and they both did not have good things to say about the fact that I “had my toes out to meet them” since I was wearing Chacos. They were NOT impressed, and they made sure to tell me that.


All in all, that trip was so much fun to the point that I’ve already started planning other trips to go on! And now I finally have a passport! So what’s stopping me from traveling all around the world?


Absolutely nothing!

So, let’s beep beep and start traveling, friends. I’ve got a lot of world to see and no idea how much time I have to do it in. So might as well start now!


Posted in blog, jazmyn does disney

The Force is {semi} Strong With This One

So I’ve got some news for you guys.

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I have had some changes in my life since we last spoke. Not only have I transferred from my previous work location, but I have already started at my new work location!

Ladies and gentleman, I have transferred to Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. Now I know what you’re thinking. “Jazmyn, you know absolutely nothing about Star Wars. Why did you even want to apply?”

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And you would be right!

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Before a month ago, I had seen Episodes 4, 5, and 6. That was it. And I can promise you that I couldn’t tell you a single thing that happened in those movies other than most (not even all) people’s names and Leia and that gold bikini scene (because honestly body goals).

Since I got hired to transfer, I have made it my sole duty to become more knowledgable in all things Star Wars. And I’m doing a pretty darn good job!

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My roommate and I have both made it through all of the originals and the prequels and I can definitely see both sides of the spectrum: “The prequels are better” & “The originals are better”.

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I honestly don’t have a favorite character, which is odd considering I usually love all of the bad characters. As much as I’d love to be a fan of any character who is dope enough to have James Earl Jones voicing them, Vader just never really did anything for me.

That being said, Jabba was really cool and I am personally a little excited to find out who this Kylo-Ren character is.

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Now I know everyone that has some type of Star Wars experience is probably rolling their eyes right now at my knowledge, and I don’t even blame you.

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But, here’s the good thing about Disney. You don’t need to be an expert about any Disney-ish topic to work here!

(Let’s be honest; if this were a rule, I would’ve been fired a long time ago)

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So that’s the great thing. Even though I am currently getting ready to start The Force Awakens (spoiler alert: my old boss already ruined the ending for me but I’m not bitter about that at all. NOT BITTER), there’s no requirement that I need to be a Star Wars expert to be here.

And that’s great! Because I most certainly am not. To be honest, the only thing that I can work at without any doubt of being completely knowledgable all of the information is either FRIENDS, the Lion King, or It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

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So, that’s it, folks!

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Galaxy’s Edge is clearly not open yet, but in a little over a month, it definitely will be and the floodgates will be open!

So everyone should prepare themselves! Star Wars has itself a new fan now.

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(But I’ll watch anything where I can stare at Hayden Christensen all day long)

Posted in blog, jazmyn does disney

CSI: Atlantica

Okay, so here we are one more time.

I have finally seen something else on my list, and it is quite the doozy!

Wait for it…wait for it…

It’s The Little Mermaid!

Yes, surprisingly, before a week ago, I had never seen The Little Mermaid. And the funny thing about the movies that I haven’t seen is that I’ve listened to the entire soundtrack, I just haven’t actually watch the movie.

So even though I didn’t know who Ursula or Flounder were, I knew ‘Under the Sea’, ‘Kiss the Girl,’ and ‘Part of Your World’. And once you know the songs, don’t you know pretty much know everything?

In my opinion, you do.

But I definitely learned something while watching this movie. Firstly, Ariel has some sisters! And here I was thinking that she was an only child. Secondly, in actuality, homegirl is really only like 16 years old and she doesn’t seem to understand why her father doesn’t want her running off, especially with a guy.

She reminds me of myself at 16.

Haha, just kidding, Mom.

But, really. Though I did really want her with that Eric guy, she was really asking for a lot if you actually think about it.

And how quickly she made the decision to give up her voice to be with a guy. HER ACTUAL VOICE. I mean, you need that thing to talk!

And she just gave it up for seemingly a glimpse of a guy that she doesn’t know?! I feel like this is how every episode of CSI begins.

I mean, CSI: Atlantica doesn’t really roll right off the tongue as well as The Little Mermaid does, but I’m sure Disney had to change the name for children purposes.

Even so, the songs were dope. And even though Ursula was pretty evil, she was a dope villain, and I loved her. But, she couldn’t pull off Ursula’s voice. When I picture her singing voice, I think of a jovial choir member that is the lead and wears those big hats that my grandmother used to wear, but she secretly judges everyone that’s not as great as her granddaughter.

Well, that got specific, didn’t it?

All in all, The Little Mermaid was a good movie, and I can see why people consider it a classic.

But, I’m just a tad uncomfortable with the fact that a 16-year-old is allowed to run off with some man that she just met while she parades around in a bra.

Then again, if I looked the way she does from the waist up, maybe I’d consider it.